5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Is Not Over You

If you have recently been through a break up with your ex-girlfriend, it can be difficult to know how she is feeling. While some people may be able to move on quickly and easily, others may not find it so simple.

It can sometimes feel like your ex is pretending to be over you – but how can you tell if that’s really the case? In this article, we look at the signs that your ex girlfriend may be pretending to be over you in order to hide her true feelings.

Signs Your Ex Is Pretending to Be Over You

If you recently broke up with your partner, it can be difficult to tell if they are truly over you or not. After all, it takes time to get over someone and the process of moving on is unique for everyone. While some may be able to move on quickly, others may take longer and may even pretend that they are completely over their ex in order to avoid dealing with the pain associated with the breakup.

Here are some how to stand out from other users signs that your ex might be pretending to be over you:

Reasons Your Ex Might Be Faking It

In the world of dating, it can be difficult to tell if someone is really feeling what they say they are—or if they’re just faking it. It’s particularly hard to know when it comes to an ex. After all, you once trusted them and believed in their love for you, so why wouldn’t you think the same now?

Unfortunately, there are a variety of reasons why your ex might be faking it. For starters, some people may find themselves caught up in the moment and express feelings that they don’t actually have.

Seeking Arrangements

Seeking Arrangements is a great way to find out if your ex-girlfriend is pretending to be over you. On this site, you can search for potential matches that have similar interests and values as your ex-girlfriend.

You can even find out if she has been active on the site recently, so that you can get an idea of how genuine her feelings are for you. The site also allows users to upload photos and videos so that potential matches can get a better look at each other’s personalities and interests.


DateYou is an excellent choice for anyone looking to move on from a break-up and explore the world of online dating. It offers a safe platform where users can browse through other users’ profiles without fear of running into someone they were once involved with.

This also makes it easier to spot signs that your ex girlfriend might be pretending to be over you. With DateYou, you have the option of blocking any user who appears suspicious or sends unwanted messages, giving you peace of click for info mind when it comes to moving on with your life.


If you think that your ex-girlfriend is pretending to be over you, one of the signs to look for is her use of online dating websites. Fling.com is one such website that may be able to give you clues about her true feelings.

Fling.com is an adult oriented website designed specifically for singles looking for casual relationships or flings. It allows users to create profiles with personal information and photos, but also provides a platform where they can meet potential partners based on their interests and preferences.

How to Tell if Your Ex Is Truly Moving On

If you’re wondering if your ex has truly moved on, it’s important to take a step back and assess the situation. There are some tell-tale signs that can help you determine if your ex has moved on with their life and is ready to start dating someone new. Look for signs of a change in behavior.

If your ex is not initiating contact or avoiding conversations, it could be an indication that they want to move on from the relationship. Watch out for changes in their social media activity.

Strategies for Dealing With an Ex Who is Putting on a Front

When dealing with an ex who is putting on a front, it is important to take the time to understand why they are doing so. This can be a difficult process as it requires both parties to engage in honest and open communication. It may be helpful to start by expressing your feelings and listening actively to what your ex has to say.

Once you better understand the underlying reasons behind their behavior, you can begin to strategize how best to handle the situation. Consider setting boundaries that will help protect both of you from any further hurt or misunderstanding. Focus on communicating in a respectful manner, even if things become heated – this will ensure that all conversations remain productive and positive.

How can you tell if your ex is pretending to be over you?

1. She brings up your past relationship: If your ex is constantly bringing up memories and conversations from your past together, it may be a sign that she is not as over you as she claims to be.

2. She’s still trying to contact you: If your ex is still texting or calling you, even if it’s just small talk, it could mean she’s trying to keep the lines of communication open in case you two get back together.

How do you know when it’s time to move on and let go of an old relationship?

When it comes to dating, it can be difficult to tell when a relationship should end and when it’s time to move on. If your ex-girlfriend is pretending to be over you, there are some signs that may indicate it’s time for you to let go. If your ex stops communicating with you or keeps giving excuses as to why she can’t meet up in person, these are signs she isn’t interested anymore.